Root Canal

Root Canals in Mansfield, OH

Why Dental Hygiene is Important & What Happens When You Ignore a Cavity?
Whether you have a toothache that has prolonged or an ignored cavity, you may need a root canal. An untreated cavity will cause an infection that can spread to the root of the tooth, hence the name root canal. Root canal treatment is necessary when a neglected cavity reaches the pulp. Symptoms of an infected pulp may include pain, swelling, sensitivity to hot/cold or sweets, pain to biting or pressure, and a bad taste in the mouth. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call John B. Webster DDS at 419-525-1556 to schedule an emergency visit. 

Root Canal Treatment

Treatment is necessary because the pulp cannot heal on its own and can even weaken your entire immune system. If the pulp becomes infected, it can cause an abscess that eats away at the surrounding bone. Our dentists perform root canals to clean out the infected tooth pulp and disinfect the canals of your tooth. The only other resolution is to extract the tooth. After we remove the infection, the canal(s) are filled in to prevent any further infection. You may also need root canal therapy if you have had a deep restoration or trauma to a tooth causing nerve damage. If you have any questions about root canals, call John B. Webster DDS at 419-525-1556, and one of our dental specialists will be able to address any concerns.
A model in Mansfield, OH, showing why root canals are necessary
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